Who Can Benefit from Interview Coaching?
|Everybody needs help at times, and searching for a job can be a worrying time of life, no matter what your age, experience, or qualifications. People from all kinds of backgrounds can take valuable insights from appropriate interview coaching sessions.
School leavers and graduates may find the step up to entry level schemes disconcerting and need personalised interview coaching to learn the best ways to sell their individuality – whilst experienced workers can benefit from a helping hand in readjusting in the workplace.
Benefits of Personalised Interview Coaching for Younger Job Applicants
Anxiety and worry about job interviews can be put to rest for school leavers who take advantage of interview coaching.
Nerves about upcoming job interviews can disappear when the correct interview preparation takes place and ways to structure answers are learnt. The advantage of arranging personal coaching for job interviews at this stage in your life is that the skills you acquire remain with you for life, giving you immense advantages each time you look to change jobs and build your career.
Probably the greatest coaching benefit to younger job applicants is the understanding that interviews are a two-way process, giving applicant and employer chances to check each other out thoroughly. School leavers will be far more relaxed about applying for jobs and the whole interview process after just one interview coaching session.
Recent graduates may seem to exude confidence, however, entering the job market for the first time can be daunting. Learning how to handle the graduate entry process, group interviews, competency-based interviews and structuring answers using the STAR technique will assist any graduate when it comes to receiving the best job offers straight after completing University.
Ultimately, acing interviews for graduate entrants means ensuring thorough preparation prior to interviews and learning to present the positive, “can do” approach that employers prefer. Interview coaching from professionals gives additional confidence to any well-qualified interviewee and helps calm the interview jitters common in younger candidates, particularly when applying to prestigious employers.
Benefits of Job Interview Coaching for More Mature Interviewees
Anybody returning to the workforce after taking time out could require a boost from professionals who can help raise confidence levels and motivation. It’s also an ideal choice for experienced interviewees who may find enlisting assistance from one-to-one interview coaching experts helps nail the best jobs or more senior positions within the current workplace.
Mature job candidates often apply to jobs for which they are over-qualified and skilled. There can be abundant reasons for this, and just one interview coaching session helps give the additional reinforcement needed to ensure greater success at interview stage.
It could also be the case that a good coaching session helps more mature candidates develop the self-belief needed to apply for jobs within their field of experience. Stay at home mothers are a good example of mature candidates likely to return to the workplace once children have matured or left home.
When experienced workers and interviewees apply to jobs out of their current skills range or at significantly higher levels of responsibility, the benefits of coaching really enhance opportunities for success.
The interview coach helps mature employees to prepare thoroughly for these senior position interviews, while giving a variety of comments and constructive suggestions on ways to structure answers to common questions to highlight pertinent experience and knowledge. Moving into a senior role is not a matter of chance in the modern environment, employees need to research and prepare themselves for interviews to ensure success.
If you think you could benefit from interview coaching, then contact Interview Skills Consulting to arrange a one-to-one session, or find out more information on how we can help.